All American Breeds

What are American puppies?

They’re exactly what you think. They’re American dog breeds that were made in America, specifically the United States of America. Cue the Springsteen favorite “born in the USA” lyric!

Much like clothes, products, technology, etc. are created in the United States, so have been various dog breeds. They can be dated back to the 16th century to more recent years. The American puppies were certainly at some point in time developed with the assistance of other dog breeds found in other parts of the world. Just like any other breed, they were developed with a particular purpose in mind. For instance, American puppies may have been bred to be hypoallergenic, or guide dogs, or simply loving companions whose sole purpose is to give and receive love!

Going back further in time, there are ancient dogs with an origin that may have reached the Americas over the Bering land bridge during the last Ice Age. These dogs accompanied their human counterparts approximately 12,000 to 35,000 years ago.

The aforementioned people eventually became known as Native Americans or American Indians. They have historically had dogs by their sides, helping them to perform daily duties. Those duties included guarding livestock, hunting and retrieving, serving as pack animals, and hauling large quantities of food and other possessions over rugged terrains. They were the first to actually domesticate dogs!

As a result, many dogs were being bred for specialized needs. A particular terrain needed sheepdogs to work the flocks better than a European dog. Urban dwellers required a terrier that would be much better suited to capturing specific American rats. Unfortunately, there were American puppies who were exploited for dog fighting purposes, too.  

Moving forward to the 20th century, there was a greater desire to have American puppies be loving companions, emotional support, and filling healthy voids. The trend continues to grow and designer or hybrid breeds are created. Animal rights advocates are more prevalent and there’s protection of the loving canines that have filled the hearts and homes people across the world.


Short Hair Don’t Care!

Are you in the market to buy a dog, but not sure if you want short hair puppies or long hair puppies?  


It’s quite the decision to make, because with either choice time is needed, however for long hair puppies, they fall short in some areas! Here, we’re playing devil’s advocate and siding with short hair puppies. We have a comprehensive checklist for you to ponder before you buy a dog. 

Time’s a Ticking! 

For humans and dogs alike, with long hair comes longer prep. There’s way more care and attention needed with long hair puppies than short hair puppies. Doggies with long and flowing manes means time spent brushing and sometimes wrestling with your pup to sit still while you tend to their tresses. Be honest with yourself before you buy a dog. If you are someone who cannot spare the time or effort to brush your dog’s coat regularly, then it’s borderline cruelty to get long hair puppies. Short hair puppies typically need a quick brush or two and that’s it! 

Work Hard or Play Hard?

As we mentioned, it can be a hassle to constantly brush long hair puppies. Would you rather spend your time petting your dog versus working to keep their fur from matting, tangling, or potentially getting caught in their nails? Are you someone who would rather have the loving companionship of a dog, instead of grooming them? Are you someone who loves to play, but hates to brush, if so short hair puppies might be right for you.  

 It’s Lint! 

All dogs shed to some degree. We won’t dispute that; however long hair puppies are more likely to put the “fur” in furniture! Are you willing to constantly clean up little fur balls found around your home? If your answer is “no,” then short hair puppies might be best for you. Do you want to keep lint brushes handy in each room and in your car? If the answers are “no,” then long hair puppies may not be best for you. 


As we mentioned earlier, we’re making light of this debate, before you buy a dog! We recognize that no matter the length of your dog’s hair, they bring great joy and comfort. Feel free to contact us directly with any questions you may have and while you’re at it, take a look at the short hair puppies we have for sale.  


Purebred Puppies FAQ’s

What are purebred puppies? 

The official definition of purebred reads as follows: canines who are “bred for many generations from a member of a recognized breed or strain” or “a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage.” According to the American Kennel Club, a purebred dog means “the sire and dam of a dog are members of a recognized breed and the ancestry of a dog consists of the same breed over many generations.” 

 Why would you select to purchase purebred puppies? 

Here are a few reasons to consider for owning a purebred dog: 

  • They are AKC registered and have distinct heritages 
  • Most breeds were developed to perform a specific function that helped humans in their daily lives, i.e. capturing pest, such as vermin, herding animals, or hauling food and supplies 
  • Many AKC breeds have pedigrees that can be traced back more than 100 years, thus creating breed predictability 

Are there any associated health problems with purebred puppies? 

The main problem with purebreds stems inbreeding. To create a purebred puppy, you need two dogs from the exact same gene pool. Because this pool is already limited, many breeders use the same family gene pool to create more dogs. As a result, there is a higher risk of genetic defects with each successive coupling. 

 Can you predict the temperament of purebred puppies? 

Yes, you can predict some behavior traits in purebred puppies. If you want a herding breed, then choose a breed with those traits and the chances are they’ll inherit them. The same goes for dogs who are more relaxed or have high energy. There are, however, some aspects of temperaments that are not inherited, but rather based on how the dog is raised and in what environment. 

 Why is purchasing purebred puppies is a good choice? 

They’re a good choice: 

  • if you know exactly which characteristics you want in a dog 
  • if there is a breed that has all the characteristics you want 
  • if you’re willing to accept the other traits that breed may have 
  • if you’re willing to accept the greater potential for health problems 
  • if you’re willing to pay more than mixed breeds or opting to adopt 


Big Dogs in Small Spaces – 5 Apartment Puppies

Just because you live in an apartment or condo doesn’t mean that your love for having big dogs as apartment puppies isn’t an option – on the contrary!  


Your choice for apartment puppies doesn’t have to be limited to little pint-sized pups. In this vain, large dog get a bad rap. Many times, large dogs are more laid back and chill than their small or medium size counterparts. Despite their sometimes-intimidating appearances, they are quieter than the little ones. We’re here to make the case for large apartment puppies. Below is a list of 5 popular large dogs that will bode well in an apartment or condo. 

Great Dane 

The Great Dane was bred to basically to sit next to a king’s throne to look big and intimidating, but they are truly gentle giants and very mellow dogs. They aren’t overly active, so a daily regular walk will suit their needs just fine, making them perfect apartment puppies. You’ll soon learn that Great Danes, though grand in size, are pseudo lap dogs, because that’s where they’ll try to lay their giant heads! 

Basset Hound 

Basset Hounds are apartment puppies, because they are pretty easy-going. Even though they have short legs, they are considered larger dogs, because they weigh between 50 – 60 pounds. They love a slow paced daily walk, due to their innate love for scents. They’d love to sniff and follow scents, versus romping around and running at a fast pace. They are really social and friendly dogs, too. 

Standard Poodle 

We’re going to talk specifically about the Standard Poodle, not the miniature or toy, because those are common apartment puppies. The reality is that they are suitable as well. They require 3 good long walks a day and they’ll be satisfied. They aren’t overly excitable, like their smaller counterparts. What they’ll require, more than anything is a good groomer to keep these picture-perfect pups looking beautiful and handsome! 


Sure, we all know that Greyhounds are fast runners, but that doesn’t mean that they require fast running exercise all day. It also doesn’t mean that they’ll be running all over your space and place. They have been nicknamed the “40 mph couch potato!” These apartment puppies have been likened to being a giant cat! They’re quiet and don’t demand much. They will certainly enjoy a nice long walk or even a jog, but they’re equally satisfied with a few short daily walks or maybe an opportunity to run off leash in a fenced in area. 

Irish Wolfhound 

Irish Wolfhounds are showstoppers! You won’t be able to go anywhere or do anything without garnering attention. People just can’t help it and we don’t blame them! When it comes to where they reside, believe us when we say that they can live and thrive just well as apartment puppies. They are mild mannered and generally gentle and quiet dogs. They require nice and slow daily walks. Because of their large sizes, running isn’t recommended, nor are homes with lots of stairs or steps.  


The Beauty of Rottweilers

They’re big. They’re bold. They’re beautiful.  


The Rottie puppy undoubtedly holds that title! To maintain their beauty takes knowledge, persistence, and care. Below is all about their physical attributes and appearance. 

Size and Weight 

Once the Rottie puppy matures, he should stand between 24 to 27 inches at his shoulder. Females should stand between 22 to 25 inches. In general, the mature Rottie puppy should be slightly longer than they are tall. Males weigh around 115 pounds, while females weigh in around 100 pounds. 


Rottweilers are muscular, powerful, athletic dogs. As we previously mentioned, their bodies are somewhat longer than they are tall. Their triangular ears sit atop their large, broad heads. Their black coats cover their eyes, cheeks, chest, lower legs, and under their tails. The Rottie puppy has a black and wide nose, black lips, and also the insides of their mouths are black. The eyes are dark brown, deep set, and beautifully shaped like almonds. They typically have their dewclaws removed and have docked tails. 

Color and Coat 

Rottweilers are always black with markings over the eyes, cheeks, each side of the muzzle, the chest, legs, and beneath the tail. The tail area may sometimes range from a rust to mahogany color. The coat of a Rottie puppy is medium in length, coarse to the touch, and straight. The undercoat is concentrated on the neck and thighs. The coat is always shorter on the head, ears, and legs, than the rest of its body. 

Grooming Needs 

You’ll find that your Rottie puppy will indeed shed, and pretty heavily twice a year! You should brush him at least two to three times a week to remove loose hair. Brushing also helps to distribute natural skin oils, which helps to keep their coats healthy and shiny. Bathe only as needed. 


Brush your Rottie puppy’s teeth twice a week to prevent tartar build up and bad breath and to also promote healthy gums. Keep an eye on their eyes, by checking for signs of wax build up and infections. To clean them, use a cotton ball with a cleanser approved by a vet. Under no circumstances should you use a cotton swab in the canal of your Rottie puppy. Keep their nails nice and trimmed.  


If you follow these instructions and guidelines, your Rottie puppy will maintain its prize-winning coats. Contact us for more information and to see the available Rotties we have in store!