Introducing A Second Dog to Your Home

Owning one dog is great, so having two should up the fun, yes? 

Well, this might not always be the case. If you have been considering bringing a second dog into your home, there is a high chance that Ajax will not be very welcoming of Bo. This is why several considerations have to be made for you to ensure that both dogs get along quickly and easily.   

Here are a few tips that could guide you:

Choose Your New Dog Carefully 

You should consider choosing a breed that is similar to that of your current dog, as this increases the likelihood of them coexisting peacefully. You should also consider similarities in temperaments before choosing a dog. If you have a more dominating alpha dog, you should probably not choose another equally dominating dog as this could lead to some unwanted clashes.      

Different Genders

Two dogs of the same sex will probably get along fine in most cases, however you can always be on the safe side and get two different genders. This increases the probability of them getting along and prevents any kind of unhealthy rivalry they may have. It would be ideal if your dog can meet the new one before you bring them home to make sure they would be a good fit for each other.

Introduce Both Dogs on Neutral Grounds 

When you want to introduce your dogs to each other, do it at a park or outside the home in more of a communal area. You don’t want your dog to get upset when a stranger starts sniffing and playing with their toys.


For the first few weeks after bringing Bo home, they should not be left in the company of each other unsupervised. This is to prevent an injury in the case of a disagreement between them.   

Reduce Rivalry

You can do this by providing separate food dishes, water bowls, toys and crates. Providing separate spaces for the dogs during mealtimes could also help. Finally, ensure that you still take out quality time to spend with Ajax so he doesn’t feel left out.      

Purebred or Designer Breed?

Now it’s time to choose a new pup! Should you choose a purebred or designer breed? Here is some necessary information to help:


A purebred dog is one who comes from a long generation of the same breed, that is, its parents, grandparents, and great grandparents are all of the same breed. 

A typical purebred will have qualities that trace back to its ancestors because only dogs that meet the set standard are breeded. 

If you are getting a purebred, ensure that you see real documents that confirm that it is truly a purebred. 



Many people prefer getting purebreds because with them, you know exactly what you are getting. 

You know your dog’s expected size, its temperament, its medical needs, and so many other things.

Compete in Shows

 Only purebreds are allowed to compete in dog shows, and so if you would like yours to be in one of these competitions, you should go for a purebred.


Genetic Defects

Some purebred dogs could inherit the genetic defects of their specific breed. 

Designer Breeds

A designer breed, also called a hybrid, is an offspring of two purebreds. 

The parents of a designer breed are usually deliberately bred to produce pups with particular qualities. 

However, there is no assurance that any two pups would come out the same. They could differ in size, color, health, temperament, etc. 



So many hybrid combinations exist, which means that there is a hybrid dog for every taste. 

These dogs can be bred to fit any criteria as regards size, temperament, health and many others.

Shed Weaknesses

Some designer breeds are created free of some weaknesses or limiting factors of their purebred parents. 

They also might not inherit genetic flaws. 



There are no assurances that an offspring will take some particular desired traits and leave some. This leaves owners unsure of what to expect from their dog. 

In the end, there are no better dogs or worse dogs. There is a mix and breed for every taste and lifestyle out there, so it all boils down to your needs and wants in a dog.  

A New Puppy For The New Year

Yay! It’s the new year! Many people have their new year resolutions outlined and are already putting them into effect. 

For some, one of these resolutions is to get a new fur baby at the beginning of the year.

Just like any other parenting, puppy parenting can be somewhat overwhelming but fun overall. 

There are a lot of things for both of you to learn and you have to get started on your part before bringing your cuddly fur baby home. 

Here are a few things to note when getting a new puppy:

Your Schedule

Puppies are fun to be with however, they require a lot of care and attention in their first few months. You’ll have to feed Max two to three times daily. 

In addition, you would have to take him on walks and get him socialized later on. 

You have to factor all of these into your schedule. This phase may be tasking, but it’s definitely rewarding for any new puppy owner.

Bonding Time

The first few months of Max’s life are the perfect time to bond with him and get to know him. There’s a lot that you can learn about him just by spending time with him. 

You can learn about your playful puppy’s personality, temperament, tastes, and intelligence. 

Everyone loves puppy breath and you’ll definitely be getting a lot of that in your face along with licks of gratitude.


It is essential to start training your dog early. At this young age, Max is ready to learn. All he’s waiting for is for you to work with him as soon as you can. 

Training provides tremendous benefits to continued good behavior both inside your home and in public. 

You can teach your Max basic obedience and then step up to potty training, chew training, and crate training.

Small, Medium, or Large Breed Dog?

The resolution to have a dog should come after a phase of thorough decision making, careful planning, and the assurance that you have the necessary means to make your pet comfortable and happy. 

One major thing to decide upon before finally going to the pet store is the size of the dog that you want. Size is important because it determines a lot of things, such as how much food your dog will consume, how easy it would be to transport them from place to place, and how much space they will need. 

Here are a number of factors to put into consideration when determining what breed of dog to get with respect to size:


The size of your family, as well as the age range of the members of your family, go a long way in determining what kind of dog to get. For example, if you have little kids, you should get small dogs, such as a Dachshund or a Papillon. If you have teenagers, you might want to consider getting a much larger dog, such as a Boxer. 

Indoor and Outdoor Space

You should consider the amount of space you have within and without your house while getting a dog. Smaller dogs can live comfortably within apartments with little outdoor space, however, bigger houses might be better for bigger dogs as they need lots of space. 


What exactly do you want from your dog? Do you need a cuddle buddy -Chihuahua or Pug- or perhaps, a security dog -Bullmastiff or Rottweiler? Your pet needs should influence the size of the dog you get. 

Maintenance Costs

This is probably the most important factor to consider. Expenses on food and treats, leash and harness, crate, and medicals are more expensive for larger dogs than they are for smaller dogs. If your monthly income is not exactly huge, you might want to get a smaller dog to avoid getting overwhelmed by costs. 

On a final note, you should keep in mind that the size of a dog does not dictate its personality. There are small dogs that are full of energy, and large dogs that are just big couch potatoes. Either way, ensure you opt for a breed size that works just great for you!